Replacement Windows & Doors are being installed all across the nation; it’s out with the old and in with the new as Americans wake up to the truth about their windows and doors. A Superior home demands a Superior window and Superior Vinyl Replacement Windows are one of the best investments you can make. Our windows are built to our exact specifications and are up to 1400% more energy efficient than aluminum frames. Superior has the best fabricators in the industry building the best windows on the market. Superior purchases thousands of custom made windows from select fabricators each year and we control all window specifications. We “trust but verify” all details and insure that you get the best window for your home and the window you paid for. Not all windows qualify for the Energy Tax Credit and not all windows are Superior Vinyl Windows. A simple but profound example; Low-E is effective only if the correct grade is specified for the region the window will ultimately serve in. Low-E must be verified to actually be on the windows; and Low-E must be applied on the correct glass surface(s) of the IG.